According to Patent-Pilot data, Bugnion ranks among the “TOP 50” IP law and consulting firms in terms of the number of European patent filings and prosecution applications

Instead of single domestic patent procedures, many Intellectual and Industrial Property law and consulting firms have been growingly choosing to go the European way and thus file their clients’ patent applications with the EPO with a mind to achieving protection across all the member states by one procedure alone. As a matter of fact, the European Patent comes across as an appealing market and a convenient patenting solution to many applicants all over the world.

As highlighted in Patent-Pilot data*, some 170.245 patent applications were filed in 2020. In terms of the geographic areas, Germany and the UK led the way and accounted respectively for 45% and 26% of the European patent filings, followed by France totaling 8% and Italy accounting for 4%.

Furthermore, Patent-Pilot provides details about the IP law and consulting firms more strongly committed in terms of the activities performed for European patent application filing and prosecution. In the Italian market, Bugnion S.p.A. stands out as the leading company after nearly doubling figures over a two-year timeframe, thereby shifting from 414 applications in 2018 to 793 in 2020. Accordingly, the company impressively ranks among the Top 50 intellectual property law and consulting firms vis-à-vis the number of European patents filings in 2020.