Contact information


Copyrights, Design, Domain names, Know-how, Patents,

Technical areas

Electronics, Mechanics, Software,

Professional registers

Industrial Property Consultant
Member of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute since 2010
European Trademark Professional Representative
European Professional Representative in Designs and Models
European Patent Attorney
European Design Attorney
CTU of Tribunale dell’Impresa of Firenze
European Patent Litigator - UPC Representative

Professional experience

Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florence with a thesis on a protective coating system for first and second stage blades in gas turbines, protected by a patent family whose ownership is shared between General Electric Co. and the French public corporation ONERA.

After an experience at Nuovo Pignone – General Electric Co. in Florence, he moved to China as production manager of an Italian-Chinese manufacturing company. After almost three years in Asia, in 2007 he returned to Italy and started to work in the IP, dealing with patents and trademarks. In 2012 he opened his own studio in Arezzo, again in the field of industrial property, and arrived in Bugnion in 2019 where he is a patent and trademark consultant at the Florence office.

