


  • Leaders League 2024 – Trademark Prosecution
  • WTR 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals – 2024
  • IP STAR 2024
  • WIPR Leaders 2023
  • Leaders League 2023 – Trademark Prosecution


Copyrights, Design, Domain names, Trademarks,

Professional registers

Trademark Attorney
Member of the Association of Industrial Property Consultants since 1996
European Trademark Attorney
European Design Attorney
Member of the San Marino Association of Industrial Property Consultants - Trademark Division

Professional experience

She graduated in Law from Milan University with a dissertation on trademark law. Started a career in intellectual property at Bugnion in 1991. She gained expertise and experience in trademarks, designs and copyright by assisting international and Italian clients. She is head of the Milan office.
Managing IP nominated her as an IP STAR in 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. In 2016 and 2017 she was elected one of the 250 Top Women in IP by Managing IP.
Donatella has been nominated one of the Leaders 2018 by WIPR. Donatella has been mentioned by WTR 1000 – 2020 for her expertise.

Since 2024 she has sat on the Board of Directors at Bugnion.

Partner at Bugnion.


Member of FICPI - Italian Chapter
Member of INTA - International Trademark Association
Member of PTMG - Pharmaceutical Trademarks Group
Member of AIPPI - Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle

